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No Need To Be A Pro Athlete To Train Like One!

No Need To Be A Pro Athlete To Train Like One!

June 05, 2017

You may never be a professional athlete but you can train like one. Besides raw talent, one of the biggest differences between pros and amateurs is their approaches to training. The professional approach to training helps pros blast past plateaus and attain super-human athletic goals. Fortunately, you can borrow from the pros’ training book to learn how you can power through workout plateaus and achieve your personal fitness goals. Steps To Training Like a Pro Prepare Want to train like a pro? Take a SMART training approach that focuses on: S – Specific areas to improve performance M – Measurable, quantifiable.... [Read More...]

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More Evidence Supporting Probiotic Benefits for Athletes

More Evidence Supporting Probiotic Benefits for Athletes

January 16, 2017

Probiotics provide a variety of benefits, especially for digestive health, for everyone who takes these supplements. A new study shows that probiotic supplementation can help boost the immune system in athletes and reduce their risk of upper respiratory tract infections. We’ve written about some of these benefits in a past blog, and research continues to support this idea. Scientists have known for years that athletes are at great risk of infection while training for competition. Training schedules, lack of sleep, exhaustive exercise, stress, and travel associated with competition can increase an athlete’s risk of getting sick. Athletes are eager to.... [Read More...]

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The Nutritional Science Behind The Biggest Loser

The Nutritional Science Behind The Biggest Loser

August 15, 2016

As one of the most popular shows on television, The Biggest Loser provides viewers with inspiration and motivation for losing weight, but is the dramatic weight loss based on good nutritional science? Not really. Nutritional science now suggests that people who try to lose massive amounts of weight quickly may be doing more harm to their bodies – and their waistlines – than good. The Biggest Loser is Not Your Regular Diet At the beginning of each season, 16 contestants weigh in. The contestant who loses the least weight each week leaves the show. Whoever loses the most weight at.... [Read More...]

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The Benefits of Probiotics for Athletes

The Benefits of Probiotics for Athletes

June 13, 2016

Trillions of bacteria inhabit the human gut. While some of the bacteria are unhealthy pathogens, a large number are beneficial to their hosts. Known as the gut microbiota, these bacteria influence digestion, mood and other aspects of human health. Some of the lifestyle decisions we make can change the composition of the microbiota, for the better, and for the worse. The typical American diet is filled with processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle can negatively affect bacterial colony size and diversity within the body. Many people now take probiotics to help their microbiota overcome these effects. Now there is evidence.... [Read More...]

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Probiotics for Athletes

Probiotics for Athletes

June 29, 2015

When you’re trying to achieve a healthy body weight and lower your risk for a variety of health problems, including heart issues, working out is the way to go. Exercise helps to build stronger muscles, improve flexibility and ramps up the health of your cardiovascular system – all good things. Interestingly, a recent study highlights another possible benefit of working out. In a controlled study, researchers looked at the gut flora, or in other words, the bacterial population inside the intestinal tract of 40 rugby athletes compared to 46 non-athletes. As you might expect, the rugby players did intense workouts.... [Read More...]

The post Probiotics for Athletes appeared first on Natren Probiotics Blog.


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