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Who Else Has Been In That Cookie Jar?

Who Else Has Been In That Cookie Jar?

July 13, 2018

Know Where Your Food Is From And Where It Has Been There are real pleasures in strolling a farmers market, or even the produce aisles of a grocery store. The sights and smells all tantalize the senses. Touch is also important in order to determine the quality and freshness. However, if we are all doing that, think about all the other people that may be doing it, too. That is a lot of different hands touching your fruits and vegetables. Knowing exactly where your food comes from is a big thing these days. Foodies like specific information, and the more.... [Read More...]

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The Truth In Labels

The Truth In Labels

July 09, 2018

Transparency… Honest labeling… Presenting the consumer with accurate information. How is this even a question? It seems like a no brainer and is certainly not too much to ask for, but for years it was almost impossible to find out basic information on foods and supplements. Now consumers have a much easier time getting the information they need. Knowledge makes for better decisions and creates confidence in the consumer. Shout It Out Loud One would think that when you make a superior product, you would want the world and your customers to know everything about it, and certainly everything they.... [Read More...]

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Bloating Can Add Inches To Your Waist

Bloating Can Add Inches To Your Waist

June 28, 2018

In addition to making you feel horrible, bloating can add between four to five inches to your waist. I’m sure that is just what you wanted to hear before summer, and pool and beach time. However, there are things you can do. Let’s turn that summer bloating into summer floating. What Is Bloating? While it is often used interchangeably with the term “water retention,” it is not the same thing. It is also not seasonal, and can happen at any time. Bloating is the condition of your stomach or belly feeling swollen after eating. It is usually caused by an.... [Read More...]

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Probiotics On The Grill – Healthy Summer Snacking

Probiotics On The Grill – Healthy Summer Snacking

June 21, 2018

Okay, so we’re not actually grilling probiotics. That would be strange. Especially since Natren’s probiotics arrive cold, like a sweet summer watermelon cooler. Ooh, that sounds good. Summer is about enjoying the heat and the outdoors, and also cooling ourselves down. We take vacations, we play outside, and we hike and swim. We also eat… and sometimes too much. Summer foods are delicious. Fresh vegetables, corn on the cob and some amazing, seasonal fruit are plentiful. If we stick with whole foods and single ingredients that is always better, but with parties and get-togethers and family barbecues, we have a.... [Read More...]

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A Better Prescription

A Better Prescription

June 07, 2018

In their hit song from 1984, Huey Lewis and the News open their lyrics with: “Oh I want a new drug, one that won’t make me sick.” Little did they know how much the use of prescribed and over the counter drugs would increase in the ensuing years. Or maybe they did. It certainly seems like they knew drugs could actually make people sick when their intended purpose is to heal and cure. Frustratingly, many of these drugs have horrible side effects. While certain prescriptions are necessary, we need to be careful about becoming addicted or reliant on certain drugs..... [Read More...]

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A New Craving: Taking Two Supplements During Pregnancy May Reduce Allergies In Future Generations

A New Craving: Taking Two Supplements During Pregnancy May Reduce Allergies In Future Generations

May 23, 2018

If you suffer from allergies, you know how aggravating and even debilitating they can be. Moreover, certain allergies pose very serious health risks. There are seasonal allergies to things like pollen, reactions to chemicals, produced materials like latex, and allergies to animals or food. Allergic reactions to nuts can be deadly for some and has forced many schools to become “nut-free” zones. The list is enormous and can also include dust, smoke, and even down comforters and pillows. Allergy sufferers know all too well the symptoms that come with specific allergies. Reducing these allergies, and eventually eliminating them, if possible,.... [Read More...]

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Come On, Get Happy! Probiotics Shown To Reverse Depression Symptoms In Mice

Come On, Get Happy! Probiotics Shown To Reverse Depression Symptoms In Mice

May 18, 2018

Depression, stress, and anxiety are huge problems these days. It can be overwhelming. It is estimated that around 7% of the American population experiences at least one episode of depression in their lifetime. Moreover, if that depression does not subside and lingers, things can get worse very quickly. While medications may help with the symptoms, they are not without their side effects. As discussed in other articles, these prescription drugs can have many unintended consequences and can wreak havoc on the gut. They can alter gut diversity and change the gut microbiota. Ironically, the side effects can cause discomfort, digestive.... [Read More...]

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Using Probiotics to Manage Autoimmune Responses

Using Probiotics to Manage Autoimmune Responses

May 01, 2018

The immune system protects the body against foreign invaders that cause illness. Through a series of steps, the immune system launches an all-out attack on dangerous viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. In autoimmune disease however, the immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake. Doctors currently prescribe treatments, such as steroids, to suppress the immune system. Now medical researchers are investigating the benefits of using probiotics to manage autoimmune responses. Probiotics are bacteria that provide health benefits to their host. Many of these probiotics live in the gut alongside unhealthy bacteria that cause disease. In a healthy gut, probiotics help keep.... [Read More...]

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Antibiotics Resistance in the News

Antibiotics Resistance in the News

May 01, 2018

Today’s headlines are filled with stories about antibiotic resistance, a state where antibiotics no longer kill dangerous bacteria. Recent headlines in the British daily newspaper, The Telegraph, announced that tourism is spreading antibiotic-resistant superbugs. The article discusses a study in which researchers found that people who had traveled to South America, the Middle East, or certain other areas of the world are more likely to carry superbugs. The Washington Post headline “’Our greatest fear’: Highly drug-resistant gonorrhea confirmed by health officials” is quite alarming. That newspaper article details a case report of a man who developed an antibiotic-resistant strain of.... [Read More...]

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Probiotics for Irritable Bowels

Probiotics for Irritable Bowels

April 09, 2018

Irritable bowels are uncomfortable, inconvenient, frustrating and sometimes even embarrassing. Fortunately, new research suggests probiotics may be able to help. The symptoms of irritable bowels can be unpredictable, which can make life complicated. Symptoms include bloating, gas, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and constipation. Some people experience constipation, while others experience only diarrhea; a few experience constipation alternating with diarrhea. These symptoms originate in the large intestine, which is the last part of the gastrointestinal tract. The large intestine, also known as the colon, absorbs water and stores feces to eliminate later in a bowel movement. The underlying cause of these symptoms.... [Read More...]

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Probiotics & Cholesterol

Probiotics & Cholesterol

March 26, 2018

Are probiotics able to balance cholesterol in the human body if a person has eaten too much red meat or high cholesterol forming foods during his/her life for a period of time and now suffers from high cholesterol? Do probiotics help balance out this kind of high cholesterol? These are questions that we are often asked as people become more aware of their health and longevity. So, how do probiotics balance out excess cholesterol in the human body? Well, scientists discover new health benefits associated with probiotics every day. Now researchers think probiotics can support the body’s own natural cholesterol-reducing mechanisms..... [Read More...]

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If Probiotics are so Good for us, Can They Benefit Plants too?

If Probiotics are so Good for us, Can They Benefit Plants too?

March 19, 2018

It’s well established at this point that beneficial bacteria, or probiotics, are good for humans and animals. Can these beneficial bacteria be good for plants too? Researchers think so. Scientists discover new human health benefits imparted by probiotics every day. Now they think probiotics can benefit plants. In fact, supplementing plants with probiotics may even help feed the world someday. Global population will reach 9.7 billion by 2050, according to the United Nations. Feeding all those hungry mouths will be a tremendous undertaking in the future, considering 795 million people do not have enough food to lead a healthy, active.... [Read More...]

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4 Simple Ingredients for a Healthy, Probiotic Filled St. Paddy’s Day Smoothie

4 Simple Ingredients for a Healthy, Probiotic Filled St. Paddy’s Day Smoothie

March 17, 2018

Green is the Theme this time of year, so we thought we’d liven up the St Patrick’s Day celebrations with a real live drink – literally! This probiotic smoothie is packed full of live beneficial bacteria – great for maintaining a robust & healthy digestive system, and even providing a helping hand if the traditional festivities get out of hand. The Recipe It doesn’t get any easier than this – you’ll need a blender, and the following ingredients: 2 cups of spinach leaves 1 banana 1 medium to large carrot ¾ cup of Natren Yogurt (or the healthiest store-bought natural.... [Read More...]

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Probiotics to Tame Your Hangover

Probiotics to Tame Your Hangover

March 14, 2018

Who among us hasn’t suffered from an overactive elbow, throwing back a few too many libations? Nearly everyone who drinks alcohol has overdone it at some point and has suffered the consequences of “brown bottle flu” the next morning. You may know a few tricks for feeling better, such as drinking a lot of water and sleeping it off, but you may not know that the bacteria living in your gut can also make you feel better. It’s true! A number of factors influence how well you recover from hangover symptoms: the amount you drank, the type of liquor, drinking.... [Read More...]

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Make Probiotics Part of a Health Strategy during the Cold & Flu Season

Make Probiotics Part of a Health Strategy during the Cold & Flu Season

March 05, 2018

The bad news this time of year is that the average adult suffers from two to four colds each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and kids catch even more. Children catch the flu about once every two years, and adults come down with the flu about twice every ten years. The good news is that you can reduce your risk of getting sick by taking some preventative steps. Good hand washing habits reduce your risk for catching the flu, for example, while rest and good nutrition can help your body stay as healthy as possible..... [Read More...]

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Reducing Fungus While Adding Probiotic Bacteria – A New Approach to Fungus Overgrowth?

Reducing Fungus While Adding Probiotic Bacteria – A New Approach to Fungus Overgrowth?

February 26, 2018

Since Louis Pasteur first performed formal experiments that determined the relationship between bacteria and disease, researchers have learned a significant amount of information regarding the role that harmful pathogens play in the development of diseases. They have found that bacteria living in the gastrointestinal tract, known as the gut microbiota or gut microbiome, have a significant effect on the health of their host. Beneficial bacteria, known as probiotics, can restore bacterial balance in the gut, prevent and treat diarrhea, improve mood, support weight loss, promote immune function and more. Now some researchers are turning their attention to fungi in the.... [Read More...]

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