If summer means sunshine and ice-cream to you, then let’s take it to the next level this year by going patriotic and probiotic with a summer smoothie. The right mix of sweetness and natural probiotics in a summer smoothie means the whole family has a stronger immune system and happy, healthy guts. Go ahead and hang the flag out this Fourth of July, but be sure to get patriotic with our red, white & blue delicious smoothie, too. Why a Smoothie? Smoothies and summertime are natural bedfellows. It’s the perfect beat-the-heat substitute for sugary ice cream or soda. It cools.... [Read More...]
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The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, ASPCA, estimates there are over 6.5 million animals in U.S. shelters, a good number them are dogs still looking to find that forever home. A common problem for these would-be pets is stress-related colitis and diarrhea that comes with it. It’s a digestive issue directly associated with the shock of their new surroundings. Even once they get a new family and home that stress can continue until the dog settles into the environment. A number of studies, including a recent one published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, found.... [Read More...]
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On Father’s Day, when you spend time thinking about all dad brings to the family, consider one more fact: paternal health is critical to having a healthy baby. As a society, we tend to see mom as the primary focus in the health of a developing fetus, especially when it comes to nutritional factors like vitamin D intake, but studies show that dad’s health plays a significant role, as well. Dad’s vitamin D status prior to conception may contribute to having a baby that develops into a strong and fit child. What You Should Know About Vitamin D Vitamin D,.... [Read More...]
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You may never be a professional athlete but you can train like one. Besides raw talent, one of the biggest differences between pros and amateurs is their approaches to training. The professional approach to training helps pros blast past plateaus and attain super-human athletic goals. Fortunately, you can borrow from the pros’ training book to learn how you can power through workout plateaus and achieve your personal fitness goals. Steps To Training Like a Pro Prepare Want to train like a pro? Take a SMART training approach that focuses on: S – Specific areas to improve performance M – Measurable, quantifiable.... [Read More...]
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It might surprise you to know that the zebrafish is becoming the go-to model species for neurobehavioral studies. This is why researchers at the University of Missouri turned to this tropical freshwater member of the minnow family to determine if probiotics offered any help to people dealing with anxiety. Probiotics are proven effective in many avenues of health, especially when it comes to digestion. More and more, medical science is making connections between gut microbiota and the central nervous system, as well, which is where the little zebrafish comes into play. Why Zebrafish? In biological studies, zebrafish provide some real.... [Read More...]
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Is it possible that probiotics can make a root canal more effective? It’s a question that is not fully answered yet, but some scientists have felt it was worth asking. A 2017 study published in the Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry looked at this very scenario to see if using probiotic products containing the right mix of healthy bacteria might help improve or maybe even prevent the basic root canal. What is a Root Canal? A root canal is an endodontic procedure designed to repair and save a decaying tooth. The objective of most root canals.... [Read More...]
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The world we live in literally thrives thanks to bacteria. Human beings must have carbon, nitrogen, the ability to fight off disease and digestion to survive – all things that rely on microorganisms. Besides recycling organic matter to create carbon and nitrogen, bacteria on the skin work as an army to keep out dangerous pathogens and, internally, they break food down into the nutritional units used to sustain major systems. What about babies, though? At what point do bacteria become a life-saving force for their little bodies? Does that happen at birth or are microbes essential for development, too? Ten.... [Read More...]
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Do you take a probiotic to improve your health but sometimes wonder if your supplements are working, or if the friendly bacteria are just passing straight through your digestive tract? Probiotics improve health in a variety of ways and many consumers notice the improvements gained by probiotic supplements right away, but others worry that their supplements may not be working, and they have no idea if they are literally flushing their money away. If you take a probiotic supplement and wonder if it is working, or if a stool analysis shows low bacteria counts, you may have questions. Two Frequently.... [Read More...]
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Celiac disease and other gluten sensitivities can mean a lifetime of avoiding wheat and gluten. Exposure to even the smallest amount of gluten can trigger a damaging and sometimes painful gastrointestinal reaction in people who are sensitive to the stuff. Avoiding gluten altogether can be very difficult, and the quest to avoid it can disrupt the lives of those suffering from the sensitivity. The inevitable dietary changes that come can also disrupt the lives of family members. About Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms of gluten sensitivities include abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating and fatigue after eating wheat. Researchers are still working to understand.... [Read More...]
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You are an influential person in some child’s life, but that goes further than just setting financial goals and inspiring academic success. Children take their cues about everything from the adults they admire, so put yours on a healthy lifestyle path, too. In a world that promotes supersizing and fast food, teach this child to see things from a wellness standpoint. The diet and exercise smart kid will grow into an adult who passes on healthy habits to themselves and the next generation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that obesity rates for children have tripled in the.... [Read More...]
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It’s time to #LIGHTITUPBLUE once again to promote autism awareness and a greater understanding and acceptance of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Every April 2nd for the last eight years businesses, nonprofit organizations, schools, homes and even landmarks like the Empire State Building and the Eifel Tower have gone blue to make people more aware of autism spectrum disorder. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects one in every 68 children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People around the world will don their blue ribbons in support of research, early interventions and evolving treatments that help these children.... [Read More...]
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Serious health problems are common in infants who suffer from low birth weight. Beneficial bacteria, known as probiotics, may help these tiny patients. Now a new study sheds light on the benefits of probiotics on infants with very low birth weights. About 7.9 percent of babies were born at a low birth weight in 2012, and 1.42 percent were born at a very low birth weight (VLBW) of 3 pounds, 3 ounces or less. Infants born at low birth weight are more likely to experience serious health problems, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Babies who.... [Read More...]
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Imagine being the lone survivor in a space capsule hurdling towards Mars, struggling with the head cold that killed the other astronauts. Your companions took the last of the antibiotics thousands of miles ago, but that does not really matter now – the common bacteria had become resistant to all the antibiotics on board anyway. Monster bacteria in space sounds like the stuff of science fiction, but real life scientists are finding that some bacteria grow faster, mutate more readily, and can become more infectious or resistant to antibiotics in space than on earth. Before astronauts can venture into deep.... [Read More...]
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Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), affecting more than 36 percent of adults. Now there is evidence suggesting that probiotics may be effective for weight management and the problems associated with obesity. Scientists have shown that bacteria in the gut can have anti-obesity effects and can suppress fat in the liver. Researchers fed lab mice a high fat diet then administered four strains of intestinal bacteria to four different groups of mice. The scientists found that the mice that consumed Lactobacillus acidophilus had less fat in their.... [Read More...]
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When President Dwight Eisenhower had a heart attack in 1955, it changed the way science looked at nutrition. Experts determined that fat was a major obstacle to cardiac health. This hypothesis pointed the finger at fat and meat as the probable cause of heart attacks like the one Eisenhower suffered that day. Since that time, cardiovascular disease and fat have been linked together, especially after clinical research provided evidence that a low–fat, high-carb diet lowers the risk of heart issues. Researchers called cardiovascular disease an epidemic that centered specifically on the amount of fat and cholesterol people ate. They failed.... [Read More...]
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Anyone who drinks alcohol or has a taste for processed foods risks overindulging now and again. Imbibing in spirits can lead to unpleasant symptoms of a hangover, such as a banging headache, rolling stomach, and whole-body fatigue. Crawling out of bed can be downright unpleasant, especially for those who have somewhere to be the next day. Many an employee has called in sick, claiming they have contracted a stomach bug rather than confessing they have a bad case of “brown bottle flu.” Ironically, the bacteria living in a person’s gut can actually affect how quickly someone recovers from an “overactive.... [Read More...]
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