We often get asked when is the best time to take probiotics – morning, evening, before or after food. Taking probiotics at any time is better than not taking them at all, of course, but taking probiotics at the right time can optimize the health benefits of this supplement. Staying on a regular routine can be difficult for some people, as hectic lifestyles can make it hard to do anything at the same time each day. Other people take so many medications that they simply add probiotics to the handful of pills they already take, with little regard as to.... [Read More...]
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What is Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a long-lasting or chronic disorder that causes muscle pain and an overall feeling of tiredness. People with this condition experience pain and tenderness throughout many parts of their body. It is often associated with other chronic conditions such as Chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and more. Anyone can get this but it does occur more frequently in women and often starts in middle age.
Are you curious about probiotics? You’ve heard good things about their benefits, but never tried them yourself? Well – here’s your chance to find out. Every day throughout the month of July, we will be giving away a one-month supply of Health Trinity – our internationally recognized probiotic product. Each capsule contains a minimum 30 billion colony forming units (cfu) of three powerful super strains of beneficial bacteria: Lactobacillus acidophilus NAS, Bifidobacterium bifidumMalyoth, and Lactobacillus bulgaricus LB-51, delivered in a unique oil matrix capsule to ensure unmatched survivability and stability, delivering them to the small and large intestines with virtually no loss of potency. Every.... [Read More...]
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Halloween can be a lot of fun, for kids and adults. First, there are the costumes. Many families make a project out of this and actually make their own. If not, store bought costumes are easy to find and offer a huge range for all interests. This is your chance to be whomever you want.Then there are the parties. Some schools even have Halloween parades, which may just be the cutest thing ever. Adult Halloween parties can also be quite entertaining, especially with themed food and treats. Candy Is Not Dandy And then… there is the candy. Bags and plastic.... [Read More...]
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