Dairy Bundle

What probiotics are right for you? (866)462-8736


Dairy Bundle

  1. Life Start 2 powder - Goats milk
  2. Healthy Start System - Dairy powder
  3. Gastro-PH Wafers


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Why NATREN®? Mother
of probiotics

Natasha Trenev

Natren® founder Natasha Trenev

You’ve found the real deal.

Natren comes from a long tradition of probiotic excellence and cultural heritage, beginning over 750 years ago in the northern region of Macedonia. Helmed by husband and wife team Natasha & Yordan Trenev, Natren® quite literally brought probiotics to North America, introducing Americans to the culture of live cultures. With Yogurt as the original vehicle for probiotics, Natasha & Yordan eventually developed a probiotic product line containing the full spectrum of healthy gut flora. As a result of their rich history and innovation in this pivotal industry, Natren is simply elevated above the rest.

  • Pharmaceutical Grade Facility
  • Decades of Scientific Research
  • Validated Third Party Testing
  • Proven Survivability
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