Jini Patel Thompson - Natren, Inc.

What probiotics are right for you? (866)462-8736


Jini Patel Thompson

How I Healed Myself - Jini Patel Thompson:

Jini Patel Thompson is an internationally recognized expert on natural healing methods for digestive diseases. She is the author of numerous books on natural healing methods for IBS, diverticulitis, Crohn's and colitis that have sold in over 40 countries worldwide. Her health articles have been published in magazines and journals in the U.S., Australia and the U.K.: www.ListenToYourGut.com

More resources from Jini Patel

Yes! I want to get started on healing my gut. I've had enough of pain, problematic bowel movements, ulceration, inflammation, drugs or surgery, and I want my life back! So please send me my complimentary info package: the Listen To Your Gut Quick-Start Guide, List of IBS/IBD Resources & Chapter One of Jini Patel Thompson's book, Listen To Your Gut

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"I use Natren probiotics for myself, my family, and it is the brand I recommend to my readers. It is also currently the only brand that meets all my Probiotic Selection Criteria for a truly potent, therapeutic-quality probiotic, with a long-term record of safety for human use."

- Jini Patel Thompson, author of "Listen To Your Gut", "The IBD Remission Diet" and "Listen To Your Colon"

Jini Patel Thompson's Books:

Listen To Your Gut: The Complete Natural Healing Guide for IBD & IBS
Hardcover & CD-Rom, 480 pgs. or ebook
Listen To Your Gut


Listen To Your Colon: The Complete Natural Healing Guide for Constipation (NEW BOOK!)
softcover, 136 pgs. or ebook
Listen To Your Colon


Listen To Your IBS: The Complete Natural Healing Guide for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
ebook, 353 pgs.
Listen To Your IBS



The IBD Remission Diet
hardcover, 168 pgs.
The IBD Remission Diet



Baby Fart Aerobics: And Other Natural Treatments for Colicky Babies
DVD, 2 hours
Baby Fart Aerobics



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